from Patrick Gundlach |

Markdown and a layout-quine

Categories: Development, speedata Publisher

The speedata Publisher has now (version 4.17.11) basic support for markdown, an easy to use markup language.

As an example of markdown formatting, this snippet creates a level 1 heading and a simple bullet list:

# A title

* one
* anotherone
* three

Using markdown with the speedata Publisher is very easy. There is a new layout function called sd:markdown()

<Layout xmlns=""

    <Record element="data">
                    <Value select="sd:markdown(.)" />

The result is, as expected, a heading and a bullet list.

Markdown comes with several flavors and extensions, for example a table extension that lets you write

| foo | bar |
| --- | --- |
| baz | bim |

to create a table. To activate these extensions, use the <Options> command:

<Options markdown-extensions="highlight,table" />

The complete list of options is available in the documentation.

A markdown-layout quine

What is a quine? The wikipedia article defines: “A quine is a computer program that takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output.”

The idea is to create a markdown file with the contents of the layout.xml file, surround it with the markdown instructions for code formatting and render this to the PDF.

Run the following code with sp --dummy to get the PDF:

<Layout xmlns=""
    <Options markdown-extensions="highlight,hlstyle_tango" />

    <Record element="data">
            select="unparsed-text('layout.xml')" />
            select="concat('```xml&#x0a;', $raw ,'&#x0a;```'))"/>
                    <Value select="sd:markdown($fenced)" />

The markdown code that is generated looks like this:

<Layout xmlns=""

the contents between the backticks is taken from the non-interpreted layout.xml file, which is read with the xpath function unparsed-text().

This is the result:

Admittedly, this quine is not perfect, since it reads the source code from storage. It would be nicer to have a “to_xml()” function for the layout XML that marshals the layout instructions back to XML.